Kurdish Women against Conflict between Kurdish Parties

A call for signatures by Women’s Commission of the Kurdish National Congress:

Dear Sisters,

We have been asked by so many of our friends around the world, particularly women, what they can do against the current threat of military escalation by the Turkish state in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) region Zini Werte near the Qandil mountains.

As members of the Women’s Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) we have discussed these requests. We decided that together with some of our European sisters, to initiate an open letter to the key Kurdish political parties to try and prevent a new military occupation of the Turkish state by acting with a strategy of national unity. The Turkish state especially is actively working to weaken the Kurdish political power with a divide-and-rule, elimination policy. You can find more background information in the attached Open Letter and KNK’s information paper.

We sincerely do believe that if the Kurdish political parties can achieve a genuine front of political unity, this can play a vital role in preventing a further slide to occupation and war in Kurdistan.  An open letter of internationally distinguished women will be an important way to support the Kurdish people, since they are currently in the dark shadow of an imminent attack. Therefore we believe that peace is not just an issue for the ruling political parties or states. It is also a social and civil responsibility.  

From our experience we are confident that an open letter will be considered seriously by Kurdish political parties and it will also strengthen civil awareness amongst Kurdish women and people.

Since the planned Turkish invasion and occupation will be a violation of international law, we will also send a copy to the relevant international organisations, institutions and states.

We very much hope that you agree with this strategy and kindly invite you to support our campaign.

If you do agree could you please supply us, upon return, with your name, title, organisation and country of residence and we will then be able to add your name to the letter.

For further information, inquiries, comments and suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us by email: knk.women@gmail.com

In solidarity,

Leyla Birlik

Chair of the Women’s Commission of KNK (Kurdistan National Congress)

Download a PDF of the letter here

Shain Slepian