Socialist Foreign Policy Must Center Climate Change

Meredith Tax, a member of our Steering Committee, is the recent author of A Road Unforeseen: Women Fight the Islamic State. She is an active feminist, organizer and writer. In this piece she discusses why a socialist foreign policy must be shaped by current conditions like climate change and support for the new Rojava paradigm.

“I believe that a socialist foreign policy must be based on international solidarity. We cannot abandon progressive enclaves surrounded by jihadis and fascist states that want to destroy them. Not only do people in Rojava and those still active in the Syrian civil opposition share our values and work for the same goals we do, but they have been trying out grassroots democratic ways of organizing society that will provide us all with precious experimental data. From any foreign policy point of view, their idea that Syria should become a secular federalist state with a weak central government and considerable local autonomy is the best blueprint yet for many ethnically and religious mixed societies in the Middle East. For all these reasons, I believe the United States should continue to arm the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, give them air support against Turkey, Assad and jihadis, and insist that representatives of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria—the official name for Rojava—be at the table in peace negotiations.”

Please, read the full article here.