The Women of the Revolution: inside the Kurdish Rojava Revolution

The Herald, Sept. 9, 2018

David Pratt, the Herald's Foreign Affairs Editor, travels to Rojava in this piece to explore the women's "revolution in the revolution" and the new democratic structures they're fostering:

Kongreya Star is a confederation of Rojava women’s organisations whose guiding principle is that “without the liberation of women, a truly free society is impossible”. It has been pivotal in the significant advances made in gender relations in the region. .... I put it to her that the Middle East was a challenging place to say the least for anyone seeking to enhance women’s rights and asked where might the Rojava women’s revolution be in say five years time? “We are not daunted by such challenges, women have been suffering for thousands of year, but if we organise to get there then nothing can stop us,” came her reply adding again too the importance of global solidarity.

Read the full piece here